Thursday, July 14, 2011

Samsung UN65C6500 LED HD TV Review

Samsung UN65C6500 65-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV

I don't know why this happens, but, being an HD TV freak, I seem to have developed a little clique of friends with a similar keen interest in the latest HD TV technology - funny that! So, it was no surprise when one of my HD Buddies called to say he'd just taken delivery of a new LED TV. I was excited for him anyway, but when he told me he'd gone and got a Samsung UN65C6500 I was taken I just had to go and have a look!

Itching for our Friday night rendezvous to arrive, I finally turned up (half an hour early) to see what all the fuss was

about...I wasn't going to be disappointed!

Clearly the Samsung UN65C6500 is a very BIG LED TV. You need a big room for this beast. With a full LED crystal pixelated screen, it is a big lump of solid crystal that delivers a full 1080p HD picture of stunning clarity and beauty. Bright, beautiful colors against deep rich blacks that are black! The contrast makes watching the picture a brilliant experience.

I was slightly worried that such a big set was only offering a 120Hz screen refresh and half expected some motion blur. Having said that I know that was an "old" LCD problem, but I just felt a 65 Inch screen with only 120 Hz refresh might be an issue - I needn't have worried. It did strike me as strange that, particularly Samsung, would compromise on this, maybe it would have pushed the price too high? This set isn't cheap!

Having said that, the picture performance was quite stunning and despite me trying my best to find evidence of fast motion blur, it just wasn't there!

I've got a 46 inch LED screen at home and it's just right for the viewing area but I was interested to see how such a large screen compared. To be fair, Dave has a large room that is given over totally to his TV and Theater system. I have to say that the comparison was favourable, and despite my home set being 240Hz, I really didn't notice any difference in picture quality particularly once we got stuck into the latest episode of Flash Forward from the HD box.

Action sequences were smooth and accurate and of course colors were sharp, bright and the contrast with deep blacks superb.

One of the downsides of LED in general is that their thinness means sound quality (from the set) is often lacking.

We gave it a few minutes using just the TV sound and it was true to form. But, hooked up to Dave's home theater system offered an outstanding overall experience (especially as Dave has been fastidious in his speaker set up).

I thought I might find going back to my own 46 inch a bit of a come down, but I do genuinely believe that the viewing room size to TV set size is a vital factor here. My room just couldn't cope with the Samsung UN65C6500 65 Inch LED HD TV.

I loved watching the Samsung UN65C6500 LED TV but Dave's set up is dedicated, everything is totally tailored for

his 65 inch wonder! My viewing area is more "public" so I think it's horses for courses to be honest.

The Samsung UN65C6500 65 Inch LED has the same power saving features that are available on all LED TV's's kind on your power bills and good for the environment, which I like.

The connectivity options on the Samsung UN65C6500 LED TV are numerous. It has every possible connectivity port you could possibly want. Consequently you get superb game play, built in photo library, USB ports, the ability to host peripherals, media 2.0 a PC input and an ethernet input as well as 4 HMDI inputs. It's also DNLA compatible which means that you can plug and play pretty much any computer or mobile device.

Finally the Samsung UN65C6500 LED TV is super slim and is a lovely piece of furniture as well...I do like the look of these super-slim LED TVs!

Final word. If you have a largeish budget and a viewing room to match the Samsung UN65C6500 65 Inch LED TV is a quality buy that has a definite wow factor.

I highlighted the 120 Hz refresh rate earlier and Samsung are sure to upgrade and come out with a 240Hz version sooner or later. On that basis I might be tempted to hold off until the 240Hz version is available. But, as with all there ever a right time to buy? Maybe just go with the flow and if you want one of these amazing "beasts" go get it!

This is a big purchase and whilst the best prices are undoubtedly online, if you are thinking of buying a Samsung UN65C6500 65 Inch LED HD TV I do recommend a visit at your local store to check it out...then buy online (provided the price is right - which it should be online).

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